Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Review of Payinvestment And Other HYIPs

Review of Payinvestment
payinvestment, (ip: This HYIP started on Jan 31, 2006. According to the site stat, it was able to attract 30 accounts with 14 active as I am writing this. Total deposit was $1K. The least rate of return is 121% daily. WoW! I guess you smell the bait here. Do not fall into the bait of this HYIP. Your money will be gone at the moment you deposit into them. But if you are brave enough, you can test it and see if the admin pay you. I am very doubtful about it. Maybe if your spend is $1, they may give you $1.21 after one day to attract the bigger fish.

Other Potential Hit-And-Run Like Payinvestment
Like Payinvestment, the following HYIPs have the potential of running away if you deposit your money into them:
fundshyip, (ip: 120% Daily Rate of Return
thegreatinvestments, (ip: 1 Day 200% Daily Rate of Return

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