Monday, June 26, 2006

Compounding Bug from Forex United

Forex-United is reported to have a software glitch to mis-calculate the investors' earnings. So you see problem with your account, don't panic, they are fixing it soon. Like any other HYIPs, I would not compound my earning until I got my original investments back first. Then I can compound with 50%. See news:
Hi all.

This update is about the compounding feature and it's important only if you have set you account to compound.

Some customers may have noticed that their compounding balances are not right, considering their principals and the last result of 8%. Some of them have contacted us about this issue and we thank you for that because it made us to find an error in the system.

We got an error in the script this weekend while processing the compounded balances. This is only an internal issue, and will not affect the investments. The most part of compounded balances were calculated with no fail, but some were calculated with non sense values. We are working on it now and expect to get it fixed until tomorrow.

Please understand that the compounding option is a new feature. It was programmed and tested, but errors always can be expected and we are here to fix it.

So, please remember:

If your investment is set to compound, but the compounded balance for the last result is wrong. Don't worry, we will fix it.

If your investment is set to non compounded, DO NOT CONSIDER this update.

Investments were not affected and the payments from non compounded accounts were made with no problems.

Withdawals(compounded balances): all withrawals requested from compounded balances since yesterday will not be considered and will be deleted, once some accounts are higher than should be. If you have requested withdrawals from COMPOUNDED BALANCES, please wait until we announce that everything is alright and request it again.

We apologise for the troubles and thank you all for the comprehension about this matter. We are here to do the best we can for you.



Anonymous said...

I am an investor with but for the past two to three months, I have not been able to access my account nor investment with don't know what is happening with and its investments.I hope I have not lost my investment that is compounded.The site does not open or give access to its customers.
Please, if there is any infomation as to what the problem is, please, send me an email to


Unknown said...

I invested with and for two to three months I cannot access my account nor access site.
What is happening to the site?

Taichi Sifu said...

Sorry, this one turned out to be a scam program a few months back, probably just after you have joined.