Thursday, December 01, 2005

December 1 Update

Beware of the Scamming CG Financial CloneThe site ( is trying to look like the real CG Financial, this site DOES NOT belong to the real one, it is an obvious fraudulent site using the real CG Financial name. Notice the .info NOT .com. The site always can be verified by the secured SSL comodo certificate.

Where Is HitzPay Today??
HitzPay is inaccessible today. I wonder if it is due to DDOS attack or the site is gone for good. I hope it is the first case. It suppose to pay its members today, me included. Let's hope it will be back soon.

Update from HitzPay Forum:
here is the latest update.The mysql server is under ddos attack and it isnt avaliable and it wont connect to the main server.The server datacenter is working to stop the ddos but so far it has been intermiten (the sucess that is)and it hassent worked yet.We hope that they have it fixed soon.We will keep you update
Provider of Poll Has Changed
I have removed the old poll from the site because it has slowed the loading time of my site. Please feel free to vote again. I have removed the old scammers from the list.

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