Monday, January 15, 2007

Good News from AsianPay

AsianPay has opened up its credit card program for you to purchase e-gold and invest with your credit card. See news:
Dear xxxx,

We have good news.

As from 1900 (7.00 PM) today Thailand Time we are opening the Credit Card purchase option in

You will be able to fund your account at with your listed Credit Card.

The following rules will apply:
When funding your account at you must also print out the Credit Card purchase agreement form.This form will be available immediately at funding time. You must sign this form and upload to us within 24 hours.
The Credit Card funding will remain in Pending until we receive the signed Credit Card purchase agreement form.
If we do not receive this form within 24 hours your pending purchase will be refunded and deleted.

We will apply the above rules very strictly and no reasons for whatever purpose will be accepted for the over-run time of 24 hours.

we ask you to login to your accounts after 1900 Thailand Time (7.00 PM) to read and to become aware of this new option to all of our respected members.

Kind Regards,

Thailand Gold Exchange Team

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