Tuesday, January 09, 2007

AsianPay Investors Corner Updates

Here is the latest news regarding AsianPay's Investors Corner program. Read it and you will have more in-depth knowledge on how AsianPay's Investors Corner works:
Dear xxxxx,

The Board Of Directors of AsianPay Co. Ltd after reviewing all the updated situation for any single Member having opened a plan in The Investors Corner program has decided to apply some adjustment and changes that will reflect on the system starting from the today schedule profit paying running at 10.00 PM Thailand Time.

Before to explain the changes in full and clarify any matter The Board Of Directors of AsianPay Co. Ltd. had to clearly underline and remind to The Investors Corner Members what The Investors Corner exactly is and which rules have been always enforced starting from the very first day the program was launched.

1. The Investors Corner Is NOT an HYIP Program nor a solicitation to invest with promises of any kind of particular return. Profits are never guaranteed in any form or method even if they are credited to your available balance daily.

2. The Investors Corner is a real contract between AsianPay Co. Ltd. (The Company) and AsianPay Payments registered members (The Member) where The Member at his sole discretion decide to loan to The Company for an established time and in exhange of a variable daily interest paid from The Company to The Members' Available Balance at The Company web site ( https://www.theinvestorscorner.com ). The amount of the profit percentage is strictly connected to The Company results in managing its own businesses and in particular, the loan is provided from The Member to help The Company in obtaining larger cash flow to better manage and to get better results from the Thailand Gold Exchange Business. For this reason The Company does not guarantee any daily profit payment percentage, reserves the rights to change the daily profit percentages at any time for each plan and also as many times as it could be considered opportune for The Company and The Members benefit to keep The Company in a good financial position and to guarantee solidity and trustability to the CORE Businesses.

3. The Company absolutely Guarantee to The members The Followings:

A - The Principal Amount Deposited in each single plan from The Member should always be returned to The Member in full. Modality of this return are established from any single plan at the moment the member subscribes to the plan itself. This Principal return is identified in the system, in our emails and in any communication as Principal PayBack or simply PayBack.
The Company reserves the right to change at any time time and modality for The Principal PayBack providing that any method or changes will anyway provide the members with a CASH amount in one or more time that will never be less than The Amount Initially deposited from The member in the single plan.

B - Open and running plans will never be closed and will always last accordingly to the established length when the plan was subscribed. The Company will never change the length of an established plan while the plan is open and running.

C - Whatever will be the way and method the Company will use to provide The Principal Bay Back any single plan will stay open and running until the established length is expired and daily profit will be always calculated on the full amount deposited to the plan regardless any Principal PayBack already provided from The Company for that plan.

To All The Members:

Basically the above information represents also some adjustment that we will do to our TOS to make it as much clear as possible for all the old and new members and to avoid any future possible misunderstanding.

Basically the above information represent what The Investors Corner is for real. Do not think of us as an HYIP because we are not. Do not think of us as a SCAM, because we are not. Do not think of us as a short term business because the changes we are publishing are done accordingly to a Business Plan starting now and to be concluded in The Year 2011 and are done to guarantee stability and financial power to The Company and to The Members and to prepare The Company for the possibility to "Go Public" at the time this business plan will reach its established goals.

Also all The Members should understand that these changes are provided first in their own interest, that no one is loosing money, that maybe lower profit will apply but the length of the plans will allow anyone to get anyway such high returns that could not be expected from any other similar program where your principal is guaranteed and protected.

Also all The Members should always understand and remember that we are NOT an HYIP. So we are not a Stock Exchange Trading Company, we are not a FOREX trading Company, we do not use your money in any other way that to boost our Business and our Business generate the profits to you. Negative comments in Forums, Message Board and generally over The Internet will just result in a negative image for The Company and in profit loosing for all of you. This especially when these comments are provided without a previous contact with us to explain your trouble or to clarify your situation.

We believe instead is in the interest of all The Members to keep The Company Image at the top and to substain The Company confirming our honesty and integrity as we do every day always doing what we say we do, providing correctly any payment without any delay, and this stands now for 9 months already.

Provided all the above and we hope they can help to clarify our Vision here are The News:

1. The Investors Corner will be closed from now until tomorrow Wednesday January 10th 10.00 AM Thailand Time. This is just to allow us to apply all the technical adjustments needed to run the new system.

During the above maintenance The System will run as usual and related amounts will be credited to your Available Balance.

2. No opened and running plans will be closed. Any exisiting plan will stay open.

3. We are resetting the system in this way:

NEW PLANS: will be credited everyday with the daily profit + the daily quota of PayBack.
PayBack for new plans will not be provided anymore at the end of the plan but day by day accordingly to the easy maths. Amount deposited in the plan divided by the length of the plan in number of days. If you deposit $ 10,000 in a 360 day plan you will get back $ 27.77 each day AS A PAYBACK QUOTA + THE PROFIT ACCORDINGLY TO THE DAILY PERCENTAGE. This makes obviously our offer much more interesting due to the fact that the composit interest generated to you in your subscribtion by the Daily PayBack will make your final interest higher than the nominal one declared.

EXISTING PLANS: All the exisiting plans will stay open and will continue to pay the daily profit as established every day accordingly to the published percentage. All the members that have already received back a sum equal or higher that the amount deposited in the plan will be considered as PaidBack already. ONCE AGAIN: THE PLAN WILL STAY OPEN AND PROFITS WILL BE CREDITED TO YOUR BALANCE EVERYDAY LIKE BEFORE, CALCULATED ON THE SAME AMOUNT AS BEFORE NO MATTER THE ALREADY PAID BACK AMOUNT. IN THIS WAY EVERYDAY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CONSIDER YOUR PROFITS HAS DEFINETELY ACCRUED AND EVENTUALLY WITHDRAW THEM IF YOU WISH OR USE THEM TO OPEN A NEW SUBSCRIPTION.

If the amount you have already received back is lower than your deposited amount in the plan it will be considered as a partial PaidBack and the PLAN WILL STAY OPEN CREDITING TO YOU DAILY PROFIT CALCULATED ALWAYS ON THE FULL AMOUNT + PAYING YOU BACK A QUOTA OF THE REMAINING PRINCIPAL DAY BY DAY.

Some examples will probably make it easier to understand:
360 Days Plan opened 70 days ago with a deposit of US$ 10,000

Daily profit: 1.5% on $10,000 = $ 150 X 70 days = US$ 10,350

The system will consider your plan PaidBack Already and in the remaining 290 Days you will get each day
the daily profit, now at 1.1 % on the deposited $ 10,000 that means:

$10,000 X 1.1% = $ 110 X 290 days = $ 31,900 + US$ 10,350 (already received) = A Total of US$ 42,250

There will not be a PayBack at expiring date because the plan has been paid back already in full.

360 Days Plan opened 30 days ago with a deposit of US$ 10,000

Daily profit: 1.5% on $10,000 = $ 150 X 30 days = US$ 4,500

The system will consider your plan Partially PaidBack and in the remaining 290 Days you will get each day
the daily profit, now at 1.1 % on the deposited $ 10,000 + the daily Pay Back quota on the remaining US$ 5,550 of your principal deposited. That means:

$10,000 X 1.1% = $ 110 daily
$ 5,500 (remaining principal) / 330 days = $ 16.666 daily

Total received daily: $ 126.666 x 330 days = $ 41,800 + Already PaidBack $ 4,500 = Total $ 46,300

There will not be a PayBack at expiring date because the plan has been paid back already in full.

Introducing The Daily Profit Floating Value:

From now on The Company continue to reserve the right to change the daily profit percentage at any time at its sole discretion accordingly to the level of profit generated in The Company from our related businesses.

The ProfitPaying System will always run 10.00 PM Thailand Time every business day from Monday to Friday with the exclusion of the Thailand or International Globally Recognized Holiday Days (Basically we refer to Christmas Eve and Easter Holidays that are not Calendar holidays days in Thailand).

Changes to the profit percentage of each plan, if any, will be applied always and only at 10.00 AM on any Business day. The Company can not apply these changes at any other time during the day especially when approaching the time the paying profit system runs. This to keep the system fair for all and to not allow The Company to "make tricky games" reducing the profits just the few minutes before to pay them to The Members in Paying System and then higher them again to attract new subscribers with higher percentage.


Introducing The "Go Public Project"

This Board of Directors believe in a 4 years project that will be further discussed with the shareholders at the appropriate moment, and which goal is to grow The Company and to bring it to a "Go public' possibility.

We believe our members are our power and our engine, so we believe we have to offer them a strong opportunity to be part of this project and to be future public shareholders of this Company.

From now any open plan no matter if old or new will offer to the member the choice to collect the money in the Share Balance to be converted in Shares when the Company will go Public. For obvious reasons the value of the share could not be determined now, and the Conversion will be ratified at the moment the meeting of the Shareholders will ratify the Go public operation. However, for the members deciding to keep this offer a clear Contract will be sent by Snail Mail in 2 copies and one copy should be have to be returned to us from The member duly signed.

The decision to apply for the Shares Balance cannot be reversed. Once taken, that plan will continue to bring daily profit and pay back to the member every day but always in the shares balance to be converted later in shares of the Public Company.

Instead any member choosing to run the standard option will be always allowed to change his mind and to apply for the shares balance. In this case the plan the member will apply for, will start to credit the share balance from the moment the member make the choice. In this case the choice is not retroactive.


When the system will reopen on January 10th at 10.00 AM the members will be able to view a new stat page that will display their account situation clear and in full.

However we understand that someone will have questions.

We are here to listen to you and to help so, before to start to post in Forums around, just give us a call in our Live Support system or open a Support Ticket.

There are not Company in The World offering the kind of support we offer, allowing you to be in touch with us 24/7 speaking with real persons and not with an asnwering machine.

Please be polite with our staff and also be patient.

We still are experiencing a lot of Internet Connection troubles from Thailand and Singapore due to the breakages in the 4 submarine cables 15 Km out of Taiwan and regretfully this will last for not less then 3 weeks. So the time needed top us to answer, to be online to do anything is much longer that usual and we can not do anything to avoid this.

To all of us GREAT SUCCESS

AsianPay Co. Ltd.
The Board Of Directors

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