Thursday, January 18, 2007

E-gold and e-Bullion Withdrawal is Back with AsianPay

After several days of e-currency (e-gold/e-bullion) withdrawal disabled, AsianPay is back with e-currency withdrawal now. I just did a withdrawal request using those two options, it should deposit into my e-gold and e-bullion within 72 hours. I will keep my readers informed once I received the payment. See news:
Dear xxxx,

We are pleased to announce that e-gold and e-bullion withdrawal options are now open again.

We ask you to kindly read the FAQ to remind yourselves of the times schedule for all withdrawals.

In The Investors Corner we are also continuing our special offers which can be found at
Please rememeber when subscribing a new plan using egold and ebullion OUR FEES ARE AT ZERO.

Best Regards,
The Investors Corner Team

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