Thursday, August 17, 2006

KaOnline Having Access Problem

Here is the latest news from KaOnline rergarding its site status:

We are once again on the receiving end of a large Dedicated Denial of Service attack. Our server technicians have taken the site off of Prolexic's servers in order to maintain it's stability while Prolexic does some maintenance on their network.


A true "Newsletter", that is to say a letter that contains some news, will be sent out this week. We have been waiting for some confirmations by both our programmers and our R&D team before getting the word out to our account holders.

Call Center

Our call center has been 100% functional since August 1st. Live operators are standing by Monday thru Friday from 10 AM till 6 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time GMT -5) and Saturdays 11 AM till 3 PM. If you run into any issues with your account, with the web site, or you simply have some questions our operators are there to help.

USA and Canada Toll Free - 1 866 675 6882

UK and International Access - + 44 1234 209855

Be on the look out for a true "Newsletter" in the coming days.

Benjamin Navarro
Managing Director

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