Saturday, March 18, 2006

Beware of Auto-Surf-Money

Beware of this Auto-Surf-Money (ip: site, I would not trust them to submit our info to them. One of its own site, from the same IP, eProfitWork (ip: does not even give me earning after I surfed and deposited money via e-gold few months ago. Here is the info I got from them:
We cannot verify your ASM account if:

1 Your Auto-Surf-Money account is not complete.

Approximately HALF of the accounts that we receive documentation for and are trying to verify have incomplete profile information. If your profile is BLANK, there is nothing to verify your documents against and they will not be verified.

Everyone needs to check their profiles immediately to ensure that their name, complete address, and phone information are present.

Your FULL LEGAL NAME must be in the name field. Company names are allowable ONLY if you are providing documentation for your company.

2. You do not provide a valid, CURRENT government PICTURE ID. This means no expired driver's licenses or passports. If you are not submitting a picture ID, please do not bother submitting anything else. Without the picture ID, we cannot verify you.

3. Your files are named with invalid characters, such as apostrophes or any international character sets. If we cannot open the file, we cannot verify it.

4. Your scanned documents contain more blacked out information than viewable information. If you submit, for example, your bank statement and have blacked out your account number and/or address, this defeats the purpose and again we have nothing to verify. If you are blacking out any information on these documents, chances are you are blacking out the very information we need to SEE. So please do not submit anything if you are not comfortable sharing it - and we will not verify you.

5. You have provided a NetIBA letter as your proof of residence. NetIBA letters are NOT acceptable documentation of proof of residence.

We appreciate the short notes of encouragement that are submitted with documentation.

However, the novels that explain why you cannot submit what we ask for and why you need to substitute are not acceptable. If you cannot submit the required documents, just do not send them. Please do not send long explanations rationalizing your substitutions. That will not suffice.

Also, members who fill the comment area spamming us with their opportunities will not be verified.

Duplicate submissions are slowing down the process tremendously. If you have uploaded your documents, do NOT upload them multiple times with little notes as to how many times they have been sent.

Notes like the following are neither necessary nor appreciated:

"I have a Mastercard therefore I have a bank account!!!! If any of this data will be missused legal action will be taken against you personally, and against your company!!! If any personal information will be sent to any commercial company, or to any terror organization, The FBI, CIA and the Mosad will be deeply involved. "

FYI - having a Mastercard does NOT mean you have a bank account. BUT, we are a business. Do not demean yourself with notes like the above.

We have thus far been able to verify HALF of the submitted documents that have been reviewed for the above reasons.

We still have several thousand documents to review and are working as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us complete the process as quickly as possible.

Hope you are all making it a great week.

Colette and Dan

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