2005 has been an amazing one for 12daily Pro. We would like to take this time to look back on the past 8 months and look ahead to the future of 12daily Pro in 2006. We invite you to see where we’ve been and where we are going!
Membership Growth
12daily Pro membership grew by leaps and bounds in 2005. When we launched this program we knew that we were offering a unique opportunity that would be attractive professional online advertisers. But we could never have anticipated the tremendous popularity that we have enjoyed. In just eight months, we have grown from 1 member to over 200,000, from just another new autosurf to the leader of the autosurf industry. Our members have worked hard to promote our program and share their success with others who in turn do the same. We want to thank all of you for your dedication to helping 12daily Pro grow. In 2006, we look forward to turning our attention to a dynamic new offline referral program.
HitsDaily Pro
We launched HitsDaily Pro to fill a very important niche in the GPT industry, a quality advertising and creative agency available only to 12daily Pro members. Since it’s launch, 12daily Pro has received and fulfilled thousands of orders for advertising products and creative services, surpassing the yearly revenue of many brick and mortar advertising agencies. In 2006, the site will expand to include more off-site advertising opportunities, customized web page design, merchandise, and customizable print promotional materials.
Earnings Statement/Taxes
By January 15, we will provide in your member area a link which will provide a detailed 2005 earnings statement that can be downloaded for your personal records. 12daily Pro did not and will not charge any taxes for our memberships, advertising products or services. It is the members’ responsibility to report and pay any and all tax requirements in your national, state or local jurisdiction. If you are unsure of what these are, we recommend that members discuss any tax-related questions with a tax professional in member’s jurisdiction.
Protecting Your Program
The one thing that our staff has spent a great deal of time on this year that I wish has not been necessary is our efforts in cheat protection for the program. One thing we did not anticipate when we launched this program was the lengths to which some people would go to take advantage of our program and to cheat our rule-abiding members out of program reserves that are rightly theirs. We have worked diligently to ferret out and take action against these offenders, often an unpopular stance. We want you to know that when it comes to insuring people don’t cheat this system, we will not apologize and we will not back down. In 2006, we will be retooling our program protection campaign to include technological and software innovations that will eliminate many of the loopholes and opportunities that such cheaters have been able to take advantage of in the past. Our recent audit was only one of many to come as there are still many in the system who are in violation of our terms. We did learn some valuable lessons and will be making some changes in the way we handle such cheaters. But this is a business and we will do everything in our power to protect it. We will continue to be diligent in the protection of your program.
NOTE: All members suspended in last week's audits have now received their refunds, if eligible or emails if not. This decision was final and no further tickets or claims will be considered on this issue.
Payment Processors
When considering payment processors to work with when launched this program, we looked at who the leaders were in the industry and which processors were being used by the leaders in the industry. Since that time we have learned that many more factors need to be considered when selecting a third party company that in large part determines the flow our system funds. Security, reliability, communication, cost, and stability are all paramount. In 2006, we will strive to identify and offer to our members a selection of payment options that meets all of these criteria.
GPT Convention
The LifeClicks staff is hard at work finalizing the details for the industry’s first GPT (Get-Paid-To) industry. We are excited to announce that the headquarters hotel is now completely booked and we have already exceeded our registration goals. We are putting together a roster of compelling and informative group sessions that will appeal both to the beginner and professional online entrepreneur. Within the next few weeks, registered guests will be receiving snail mail confirmations and access to a secure area of the convention website where you will be able to register for specific seminars and panel discussions. In 2006, the GPT Convention will put a new, professional face on an industry that is long due for a professional makeover.
Charity Efforts
In 2005, 12daily Pro made unprecedented strides in reaching out to those in the world that are less fortunate that all of us. We are so proud that when we put the call out to support the victims of devastating Hurricane Katrina that our members responded so strongly. We were able to raise over $20,000 for our Red Cross Donation to aid in the humanitarian efforts for that natural disaster. In addition, our 12dp Days of Christmas Charity Promotion raised over $10,000 for our 12 charities. 12daily Pro will be adding to that generous donation which will bring our total donation for each of the 12 charities to $1200. In 2006, watch for 12daily Pro to host more charitable promotions, as we continue to do our part to reach out to a world in need.
Terms of Service
Our program terms of service were originally written prior to the launch of our program based on extensive research and our business plan. We have learned many things over the course of 2005. The industry climate has also changed significantly. We have become the program to copy and emulate. While others are busy trying to become us, we will be busy trying to become better. We will be further refining and clarifying our terms over the course of the next months in an effort to prepare 12daily Pro to remain the leader in this industry. Look for our strengths to get stronger and our weaknesses to be eliminated. In 2006, 12daily Pro will make great strides toward becoming more and more the site for professional advertisers that we originally intended.
Support System
The extreme unanticipated growth of our site has meant that there is an increasing number of members to aid and support. Over the past months we added and upgraded a ticket support system, added telephone support, and are in final plans for live online support. One of our company goals has always been superior member support. The speed of our growth and a constant barrage of 3rd party issues and interferences made it difficult for us to live up to that goal in the past couple of months. But rest assured, it is still a major priority for us and we are in the process of revamping our in-house support system to allow us to once again meet and exceed our goal of excellence in supporting you.
New Sites
In the coming months, 12daily Pro will announce its plans for the 3rd site in the 12aily Pro network. As always, we strive to find and fill niches and needs in this industry that no one has successfully been able to. In 2006, watch for 12daily Pro to break new ground yet again!
We thank you all for being a part of our success and letting us be a part of yours. We look forward to working with you all to make 12dp the best it can possibly be throughout 2006.