Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Scams Sites To Avoid

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hopefully we can get less scam sites when the new year begins. There are more scam sites popped up every year when the holidays came.

Scam Sites to be Avoided:
Here is the warning from an user of GoldenTalk:
HYIP-December.Com, a new HYIP created 9 december and included in the latest GoldPoll newsletter, might be a scam!

When you try to make a spend, it is taking you to page https://www.e-gold.com-c.in/sci_asp/payments.asp instead of https://www.e-gold.com/sci_asp/payments.asp.

I have Microsoft phishing filter on, so I am glad I got the warning that it is a reported phishing website.

bigbigearn.com, (ip: Payment problem reported.
fundofgrowth.com, (ip: Payment problem reported.

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